TITLE: Psycho Beach Party by Charles Busch

PAY: $100 stipend


SUN Oct 6: 1 - 3pm
WED Oct 9: 6 - 8pm

AUDITION INFO: This will be a workshop style audition. Come prepared to move, vocalize, and read from the script.

SIGN UP: email

Chicklet Forrest, a teenage tomboy, desperately wants to be part of the surf crowd on Malibu Beach, but standing in her way is her unfortunate tendency towards split personalities. Psycho Beach Party is a wild mash up of the 60’s Beach Party movies, psychological thrillers like Spellbound and Marnie, and a bit of Mommie Dearest.

SCRIPTS: To request a copy of the script please email


The West Side Show Room
1414 N Main St
Rockford, IL 61103



Director: Epic Jones
Production Manager: Colin Meyer
Stage Manager: TBD

Show Dates: Dec 27, 2024 - Jan 11, 2025

PAY: $100 stipend


We are considering actors of all genders and ethnicities. The gender of each character is listed below, although many of the roles may be played in drag:

Yo Yo (male) - a beach bum
Nicky (male) - a beach bum
Provoloney (male) - a surfer
Star Cat (male) - a surfer, Chicklet’s love interest
Chicklet Forrest (female) - a 15 year old tomboy who want to be a surfer
Kanaka (male) - macho “king” of the surfers
Marvel Ann (female) - gorgeous high school vamp
Berdine (female) - a hopeless nerd, but a nerd with spunk
Mrs. Forrest (female) - Chicklet’s mother, in the mold of Joan Crawford
Bettina Barnes (female) - a glamorous movie star on the lam


Profanity, Vulgarity, Adult Language, Adult Humor.


A Fight Choreographer and Dance Choreographer will be hired for this production.

Psycho Beach Party is a fast moving, active comedy. All actors dance vigorously. Ability to get up and down off the floor is important.

Star Cat, Kanaka, Mrs Forrest, Chicklet, and Berdine, engage in vigorous fight choreography. Ability to perform pratfalls, and get up and down from the floor are imporant.


An Intimacy Coordinator will be hired for this production.

Incidental Touching: In this production, there will be moments of incidental or non-intimate physical contact between all performers. This includes everyday human interactions such as holding hands, pats on the arm or back, arms around shoulders, hugging, linking arms, guiding someone with hand on back, adjusting another actor’s hair or costume, bumping or brushing past each other, standing or sitting in close proximity where bodies may touch, etc.

Dance and Fight Touching: Actors participating in dance and fight choreography can expect normal physical and bodily contact associated with these activities.

Sexual Intimacy

Yo Yo kisses “queen” Chicklet’s hand

Yo Yo and Provoloney embrace, kiss, “making out” passionately with arm and body contact for the duration of the 1812 overture (60 seconds)

In a romantic scene, Chicklet and Star Cat hold hands, share physical closeness, Chicklet sits on Star Cat’s lap and kisses his chest.


Psycho Beach Party takes place on Malibu Beach. Actors may be required to appear in revealing or form fitting beach wear such as shorts, tank tops, open shirts, skirts, swim suits, bikinis, sarongs, etc.

Star Cat appears shirtless (if performed by a male presenting actor)

Chicklet appears topless (if performed by a male presenting actor)

Marvel Ann appears with a half-shaved head (bald cap or actual shaved head)


Psycho Beach Party rehearsals start Nov 10, 2024. Attendance is required at all scheduled rehearsals. We will schedule 2-3 rehearsals per week during the following times slots:

Mon-Fri: 6-10pm
Sat: 9-12pm, 1-5pm, 6-10pm
Sun: 1-5pm, 6-10pm


Attendance is required at all tech rehearsals. You are expected to stay after Dress and Preview rehearsals for notes.

SAT Dec 21: 10 - 10pm TECH
SUN Dec 22: 10 - 10pm TECH
MON Dec 23: 6pm CALL, 7pm DRESS
THU Dec 26: 6pm CALL, 7pm DRESS


FRI Dec 27: 7pm CALL, 8pm SHOW (WSSR 11th Anniversary)
FRI Dec 27: 9pm CALL, 10pm SHOW (ADD)
SAT Dec 28:
7pm CALL, 8pm SHOW
SAT Dec 28: 9pm CALL, 10pm SHOW (ADD)
SUN Dec 29: 6pm CALL, 7pm SHOW

WED Jan 1: 7pm CALL, 8pm SHOW (ADD)
THU Jan 2: 7pm CALL, 8pm SHOW (ADD)
FRI Jan 3: 7pm CALL, 8pm SHOW
FRI Jan 3: 9pm CALL, 10pm SHOW (ADD)
SAT Jan 4: 7pm CALL, 8pm SHOW
SAT Jan 4: 9pm CALL, 10pm SHOW (ADD)
SUN Jan 5: 6pm CALL, 7pm SHOW

THU Jan 9:7pm CALL, 8pm SHOW (ADD)
FRI Jan 10:
7pm CALL, 8pm SHOW
FRI Jan 10: 9pm CALL, 10pm SHOW (ADD)
SAT Jan 11: 7pm CALL, 8pm SHOW
SAT Jan 11: 9pm CALL, 10pm SHOW (ADD)
SUN Jan 12: 6pm CALL, 7pm SHOW

(ADD) indicates possible added dates


WED Jan 1: 6 - 8pm
THU Jan 9: 6 - 8pm