If there is anything you would like us to consider regarding the requirements and your participation in this play, please let us know:
Please carefully review and understand the requirements for the roles you are interested in. If you prefer a role without intense movement or intimacy, please indicate that below. If you will accept any role, say "any."
Briefly tell us about your theater experience. If you are new to acting say "I'm new!" If you have a resume, bring it to your audition and leave this space blank.
Do you play an instrument, sing or dance? Are you trained in stage combat? Can you speak another language or do an accent?
1) Carefully review your personal calendar as well as the show schedule on the audition page.
2) If you are in a show that overlaps, email us a copy of that schedule BEFORE you audition. auditions@wssr.org
3) Check with your partner and/or family members for any upcoming events or obligations you might not be aware of.
4) List ALL conflicts. It's important that this is accurate.
5) If you don't have any conflicts say "none."
Please list any health conditions or allergies you want us to be aware of. Let us know if you need specific accommodations. If you have none, say "none."